Friday, January 6, 2017

8 Months

Every time you do something new, I swear I am going to write it down. I never want to forget the days! And every time you turn a month older, I swear I am going to write about all the incredible things you're doing. It turns out, I am too enthralled to step away from you to write about you. So hear I am, pumping to my hearts content at work, poking these words away on my phone.

You 8 months old in two days, which just so happens to be my 31st birthday. I love that you are exactly 30 years and five months younger than me.

I wanted you to stay a baby forever. I still do. I swore I wouldn't like the changes. I wanted my tiny, dependent infant in my arms forever. I can't say I don't still feel that way. I'm in two places and probably will always be. I want my tiny baby, but with every new development my heart grows, bursting with pride. I thought I would explode when you started crawling. I'm still standing. Talking on the other hand, that takes me to my knees. I have never heard a sweeter sound than your, "dadadada". It's so different than all the silly blowey, gurgly noises you have made thus far. You speak so sweetly, yet with such conviction - very similar to your actions.

Here is a mile marker of your actions:
Sitting on your own

This week, you also started rolling your tongue and wrinkling your nose to snort. We can't keep you on your changing table without you flipping over to crawl.