Hey Baby!
This is how your father addresses you these days. It's usually something to the extent of, "hey baby, what are you doing in there?" as you dramatically throw your limbs around. Your movements these days are so grandiose. I know where you are located (feet in left rib, butt in right rib, spin down the right side into hip, and head in left hip, hands punching in pelivs). It's so fun to be able to identify your movements with the body parts - your kicks are strong but slow, you push your hips out the same, and your hands flutter down quickly. Yesterday, I could have sworn that you ran your fingers individually against my lower stomach. It got me thinking about those hands, how wrinkly they'll be when you come out, your tiny nails, and wrinkled wrists.
I haven't updated too much lately, as you are the easiest, most dramatic baby ever. You don't make me sick, you let me sleep for the most part, and you have given me zero health issues. We had our baby shower for you yesterday. You loved it! We ate well, you got plenty of massages and every conversation was about you, and how excited everyone is to meet you... but no one more than me. Not a single person is awaiting your arrival more than your mamma. I cry at the thought. It's so beautiful that I have been given the gift of carrying you, nourishing you, and birthing you.
My mom made the "birthing you" part very real yesterday. She said that each of her kids (your three uncles, and myself) were all about two weeks early. I have shared a very similar pregnancy to my mother (easy in every way), and anticipate a similar birth (I could only be so lucky). This would put our great meet-date two weeks ago. That makes being a mother SO SO REAL, which it has not yet. I am also prepared to go a few weeks over, so there is a conflicting feeling of panic and get everything ready in preparation vs. continue to enjoy the beauty that is, working hard at work, making plans, etc.
The truth is, regardless of when you come, you will be the most loved baby on earth, potentially ever. We are or will make ourselves be ready when you decide you have incubated long enough. I just hope you want to get good and chubby and don't rush it. I don't quite feel "big" enough to burst yet. You also haven't given me any warning signs (Braxton Hicks, etc.).
If I am as poor at updating this as my track record has shown thus far, the next post may be an update on your name, height and weight!
I love you,
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